Monday, March 31, 2008

Hot Springs, Krishnas, and a Flat Tire

I just got back from a freakin' awesome trip to P-town. I went to some hot springs on Friday night, which would be a super sweet place in the summer. Right now the trail is a forty minute hike through snow and mud. Then I went to the Hara Krishna temple in Spanish Fork for their festival of colors celebration. Everyone was throwing what looked like colored chalk powder, while listening to Hindi music. There were so many people there that the closest we could park was about half a mile away. Then on the way home, Strawberry road was covered in snow and there were some scary places where I almost slid off the road. Afterwards I ran over a screw 500 yards past the Tabby turn off, which flatend my tire instantly. I wonder if maybe that's Karma's way of telling me that I should not leave P-town.


Shane said...

maybe thats karmas way of saying to stay away from "P-town"... because "p-town" is gay.

Anonymous said...

You know what's gay? People who make fun of P-town. It's only the greatest city in the entire world.

The Rage said...

Yes! Come Back and never leave!... I mean, it'd be cool if you were out here all the time :) The bed sharing over Easter was magical...

stewedslacker said...

I like P-town, I hate school. Kind of a problem. And yes, the paint tossing was a grand time, completely worth the future lung problems. And you got screwed, (or should I say, "skrewed" hahahah), BAZING! That was witty and a burn, good times.

Shane said...

I proudly make fun of "P-Town".. cuz "P-TOwn" is lame.