Monday, December 1, 2008

An Update!!

I know what you all are thinking "Holy crap, an update! What's the occasion?" Well, the truth is there isn't one. Ha! I blog without rhyme or reason!

Thanksgiving was cool. I actually worked last week and some this week, so that's a plus. I also spoke in church on Sunday, another plus. I actually quite enjoyed myself. Heck, I even quoted Star Wars. Yep, Yep, it was good stuff!

Today at work I had a Kindergartner tell me I was ugly. I had to try really hard not to laugh! You really can't reinforce negative behavior with laughter (so I didn't), but it was such an unexpected comment that it took a lot of self-restraint. Then we had fun coloring pictures. I even have some of them on the fridge.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Star Wars+ The Foo Fighters

I know I said I would make a list of awesome Arrested Development quotes, but this is really good too. I saw it a year ago on tv and just now found it on the internet.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Life in P-Town

Let's say that living in P-town is everything I expected it could be and more. I am so happy to finally be out of the Basin that words cannot fully explain. But, anyway, I will try to describe what I have been up to. Nope, there's too much, let me sum up:

1. I moved out to the new place in Provo and it was not as clean as any of us expected it to be, but I think most know about all that already.

2. I am learning how to salsa dance. It is a little awkward because I don't know how to do it as well as everyone else yet. But I still enjoy getting out of the apartment, and who knows, maybe it will useful in the future?

3. I got a job as a substitute teacher for the Provo school district. I even tried it once and taught resource kids at an elementary. Wow! I am WAY too soft to discipline kids. These are kids who I can see entering Heritage (if their parents were the wealthy sort) in a few years.

That's all I am going to put as major happenings; and with all that out of the way, maybe the next time I post something it will be something cool like Flight of the Conchords quotes, or favorite Arrested Development quotes!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

At the edge of Starvation

Starvation Resevior that is. Working there is pretty cool. We have some bass in a fish tank that we feed odd bugs to everyday. Seriously though, there is little to comment about working there. Except that the other day I was pulling a camp post out of the ground and it jumped up and hit me in the face, leaving a scrape mark on my nose. Oh, and I have a wicked good farmers tan. Respect.
What else......I can't wait to move to P-town. Yep that's about it.

Friday, May 2, 2008

New Post!

Yep, so I am officially no longer a student. It finally dawned on me when Asher and I went to the dollar movies and I realized I am no longer a student. It's kind of a strange feeling. It comes with a funny story though. While at the movies some chick asked Asher and I if we were on a man-date. If I was a witty guy I would have said something snappy, like...yes. Unfortunatly, I am not and all I could say was "not quite."
Also, I heard that our friend Landon is engaged or getting married or something. Man, I don't get it but it seems to be all the craze with my friends. I wish him good luck!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Crazy Busy

I don't have a whole lot of time to spend but here is what's on the hapy-hap:
Graduation is soon and it's a [darn] good thing. I am tired of doing my senior project. So, after this week's classes are over, and after finals week is over, then I have about ten days of vacation where I plan on sitting on my backside and enjoying carefree bliss. I won't have to worry about work, school, or waking up before noon. I may even down a couple cold ones (pepsi.....) with my friends.
Also, I am being awarded with a student of the year award, which includes a dignitary luncheon (of which I am a dignitary). At first I wondered if this was like being awarded as the smartest kid with down-syndrome--this is the Basin afterall. But then I realized that this is an award given to me by professors who I consider good friends, and this award proves they think the same way about me. Let me tell you, it's all warm fuzzies. Seriously, imagine all your favorite professors getting together to give you a plaque congradulating...... you.
My friend Richard, whom others may know better as Frank, is getting married Saturday. I plan on attending his reception. I thought I would attend the ceremony, but I never got a formal invitation to it, and although I am sure he wouldn't mind, it's not his it's her day. So I will congradulate them at their reception.
Also, there are these girls I know who never reply back sooner than a week when I text/call them. I can understand a couple hours or even a day or two at most, but a week? COME ON! That's just being rude. And Fro, before you tell me I am a retard, I did mention girls in the plural, so it's not just that one.
Ok, I'm done. Time to get back to homework.......I guess......

Monday, April 14, 2008


Went out to P-town last weekend. I wasn't planning on it but Fro and Smash helped me decide that homework is best put off until it really needs done. We went and saw Shane and played some Halo 3, which was good times.
In Provo Smash and I went house hunting, and found a nice one close to campus. We also went and saw the movie Juno, which I think is hillarious. Then after a lightning trip to SLC to take Tyson to the airport at 4:00 a.m. and much snoozing later, I went back to D-town WITHOUT MISHAP! Yep, no flat tires this time! And my homework was there waiting for me. Duh Duh Duh...well, at least I don't have to check out 200 trees.
And if the above paragraph didn't catch your interest, then maybe the bottom paragraph won't either. It's worth a shot though.
Also at SLC Asher showed us his old blog and how funny it was, which made me wonder how my old blog is doing. It appears to be holding up fine, except for the few advertisments that have been posted on there asking me to go to school online. Still, I had forgotten how funny it was. Mostly because it makes fun of Yoko (which all can agree is great fun) and her acidic, yet ridiculous remarks. Unfortunatly I am technologicly dumb and so I am asking those who may know to please inform me on how to create a link from this post to my old post. That way everyon can re-enjoy such classics as star wars fan-fic.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Hot Springs, Krishnas, and a Flat Tire

I just got back from a freakin' awesome trip to P-town. I went to some hot springs on Friday night, which would be a super sweet place in the summer. Right now the trail is a forty minute hike through snow and mud. Then I went to the Hara Krishna temple in Spanish Fork for their festival of colors celebration. Everyone was throwing what looked like colored chalk powder, while listening to Hindi music. There were so many people there that the closest we could park was about half a mile away. Then on the way home, Strawberry road was covered in snow and there were some scary places where I almost slid off the road. Afterwards I ran over a screw 500 yards past the Tabby turn off, which flatend my tire instantly. I wonder if maybe that's Karma's way of telling me that I should not leave P-town.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

My Precious......Books

Kittykat 5000 had a good idea for a post. I too like to read and have a sizable collection of my own favorites (mostly history). I even started to list them all but then realized that I am probably the only one who would not be immensly bored. To everyone else, I am sure it would just seem like a random set of history books. So, I decided to write about something else.
Tuesday I shadowed Mr. Gatherum as he taught his history classes. I still want to teach high school history, but I think it will take a while for me to get used to the students' level of immaturity. I watched a group of freshman boys pull the light bulbs off from a string of lights and throw them at another freshman boy across the room. Then one lied about it even when he was caught with a lightbulb still in his hand. Still, I suppose it could have been worse...
This weekend I will be out in the Wasatch front because nothing of real importance happens in the Basin. I have to watch a Shakespearian play for my English class on Friday. And I may find myself in Salt Lake for some reason or other (hot wings).
That's about it.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Spring Break, without the Spring

It occured to me today, as I scraped the stubborn frost from off my windshield this morning, that this Spring Break seems a little light on the spring and still heavy on the winter. While most people on the Wasatch Front can see more grass than snow, it is the exact reverse in the Basin. But perhaps more sunshine would only distract me from the true meaning of Spring Break: catching up on the copious amounts of homework I have neglected. Then I will be able to procrastinate until the next holiday for homework--Easter.
One other thing has been on my mind as spring slowly aproaches and it is my greatest fear. Spiders. As soon as the tempurature gets just right, hundreds upon hundreds of these suckers are going to hatch from their eggs. Personally, I would have to say that I hate spiders more than Rush Limbaugh hates liberal, leftist hippies. I still can't stand to watch more than ten minuites of "Arachnaphobia". Most of this animosity stems from the fact that spider venom, while harmless to most things, makes me swell up like Al Gore's ego. I guess with enough spider venom in me, I could probably look very similar to the Thing (with great power comes great responsibility) or maybe I would look more like Sloth from "The Goonies". Either way it's some bad juice. And it wouldn't be so bad except that the basement of my house is dark, cool, and where they like to live. Unfortunatly, it's also where I like to get most of my sleeping done.
Eh, this rant has gone on long enough. It's time for me to read some Kirby before I have to go to work. Later.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Hip Hop Anonymous?...

Well, for those on the edge of their seats from the last posting and franticly awaiting what I was going to decide to do, I have found a way to still become a high school teacher without spending so much time getting certified. But this made me realize something: I don't know Jack. I don't even know Jill. I imagine this is what a mid-life crisis feels like. It's a scary feeling when after four years of college the realization of an impending future draws closer. Now, this might just be that I am a chronic worrier. It might be that I really don't know Jack shiz about teaching. I don't know, I'm not a doctor. All I know is that it's uncormfortable and I don't want to think about all....ever.
On the other hand, there are two new additions to the Basin that makes living here more enjoyable (now it's less horrifying than stabbing your eye with a fork, but about on par with finding out the chick you've been macking is a relative). The First improvement is the sun--haven't seen it in a while. So now the temperature is almost bearable and the snow is starting to melt, which is awesome because my truck likes huge puddles much more than huge piles of snow.
The second is that I went and bought an xbox 360. While being sinfully expensive (I think I vomited a little in my mouth when I heard the price) in some ways it is more fun than having a girlfriend:
1. It can be turned on and off from across the room without me even having to get up.
2. It never asks me "what I am thinking about". Yes, to any ladies reading this, that's annoying. Stop doing that.
3. It doesn't mind when I hang out with my friends because they can join in too!

I am sure there are other good reasons, but I can't think right now and have a lot of other things to do. If anyone out there can think of other reasons, they can comment on it.

Oh, one more thing. Since living in the Basin for so long, I am becoming more and more like a cowboy. Yeah. Big gulp huh? Well, see you later!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

What to do?

I just crunched some numbers and found out that if I want to get my secondary teaching license (35 credits) and a job, I would also need 1. a teaching major: History (6 more credits) 2. a teaching minor English (a whopping 21 more credits) and an optional 3. teaching minor: German (25 credits). This is about another 3 years of college, which would bring my total collegiate experience to 7 (seven) years. I would think that after 7 years of college I should be close to a doctorate degree, or be someone cool like Vanwilder, not a high school teacher.
That would be 7 years of school for the starting pay of about 20,000 a year. Awesome. On the other hand, I didn't do so hot on the GRE so I have to wait at least another year before I can go into grad school. So what am I going to do with that year? I wonder what it would take to be an airline steward. If movies are anything to judge real life by, it seemed super easy for David Spade and Chris Farley in "Tommy Boy". And it would help me with my wander-lust. I guess that only leaves one other choice: winning the lottery.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

chillin' like a villain

I guess I will start one of these too. Mostly I am doing this so that I can comment on other peoples' blogs because my life is not nearly as interesting as theirs.